Length converter

Convert between meters, feet, inches, and more

Convert from
Convert to

Result: 1 Meters = 39.37008 Inches

1 Meters in other units

Conversion values for 10 centimeters in different units
Millimeters (mm)1000
Centimeters (cm)100
Meters (m)1
Kilometers (km)0.001
Inches (in)39.37008
Yards (yd)1.0936133333333333
US Survey Feet (ft-us)3.280833438333123
Feet (ft)3.28084
Fathoms (fathom)0.5468066666666667
Miles (mi)0.0006213712121212121
Nautical Miles (nMi)0.0005399564195572175

About lenght units converter

Length is a measure of distance between two points. Different cultures and regions use different units of length measurement, primarily split between the metric system (used internationally) and the imperial system (used primarily in the United States).

The metric system uses units like meters, kilometers, and centimeters, while the imperial system uses feet, inches, and miles. Understanding both systems and being able to convert between them is crucial for international communication and various professional fields.