Length converter
Convert between meters, feet, inches, and more
Result: 1 Meters = 0.001 Kilometers
1 Meters in other units
Unit | Value |
Millimeters (mm) | 1000 |
Centimeters (cm) | 100 |
Meters (m) | 1 |
Kilometers (km) | 0.001 |
Inches (in) | 39.37008 |
Yards (yd) | 1.0936133333333333 |
US Survey Feet (ft-us) | 3.280833438333123 |
Feet (ft) | 3.28084 |
Fathoms (fathom) | 0.5468066666666667 |
Miles (mi) | 0.0006213712121212121 |
Nautical Miles (nMi) | 0.0005399564195572175 |
About lenght units converter
Length is a measure of distance between two points. Different cultures and regions use different units of length measurement, primarily split between the metric system (used internationally) and the imperial system (used primarily in the United States).
The metric system uses units like meters, kilometers, and centimeters, while the imperial system uses feet, inches, and miles. Understanding both systems and being able to convert between them is crucial for international communication and various professional fields.